
Becker lab lunch

Have you ever imagined this amazing view that a group of while coat people holding flasks on one hand while swinging a pot on the other?

Well, although it looks funny, it's has been proved in our lab a good scientist will also be a qualified cook if he wants to.

Have you thought about trying different food all over the world without any travelling?

Well, come and join our lab lunch. Every Friday, you will have chance to taste international home-made food and absorb new recipes. Of course, the internationalized extent is depend on how many international colleagues you have.

But it is an interesting platform indeed. We ever tried Hiro, a Japanese classmate's first "experiment". Though he told us he had never cooked before, the feedback shows it's a masterpiece. See, we succeeded again to explore people's talents. We also have very experienced chef whose dishes can always surprise us. And the topic on the dining table could be various too. From politics to contaminated cucumber, from peanut butter to world history, what you get afterwards is not only a full-filled  stomach, also intellectual enrichment as well as joys and relaxation.

Perhaps, at the end of my Phd, there will be a thick book with pics and recipes called BECKER LAB LUNCH. But right now, regarding environmentally friendly, they only exist on line:



